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Get in touch for inquiries about marine equipment and services. We are here to assist you with your shipping needs.


+971 4 5461163


Contact Us

Visit us for all your marine shipping equipment needs. We are dedicated to keeping vessels safe and compliant worldwide.


Office # 104, Sunshine Building, AL Garhoud, Dubai- UAE


9 AM - 6PM

Al Aseer provides top-notch marine equipment, ensuring safety and compliance for our vessels worldwide. Highly recommended!

Abdul Ahmed

A large cargo ship marked with 'MSC' is docked at a port, with several towering cranes lined up along the dock. In the foreground, a smaller red passenger boat is moving across the water. The sky is overcast, and there are large wind turbines in the background.
A large cargo ship marked with 'MSC' is docked at a port, with several towering cranes lined up along the dock. In the foreground, a smaller red passenger boat is moving across the water. The sky is overcast, and there are large wind turbines in the background.
A large cargo ship is seen loaded with numerous shipping containers stacked neatly on its deck. The letters 'M O L' are prominently displayed on the side of the ship. Several cranes tower over the ship, indicating an active port environment. The water near the vessel is calm and a clear blue sky stretches overhead.
A large cargo ship is seen loaded with numerous shipping containers stacked neatly on its deck. The letters 'M O L' are prominently displayed on the side of the ship. Several cranes tower over the ship, indicating an active port environment. The water near the vessel is calm and a clear blue sky stretches overhead.
